September 2018 1 22 Report

Fishing holiday goes wrong.

When Richard Van Pham sailed out of Long Beach in California, there were no clouds in the sky.Richard was a single man with no relatives and he didin`t tell any friends about his day`s fishing trip.

In the afternoon, the weather changed.There was a lot of wind and rain and some big waves hit his small boat,Richard had some mineral water,some biscuits,some peanuts and some chocolate.

After three days, he had no food and no water!

Richard collected rainwater and caught fish. He used the fish to catch birds. Then he made a fire from parts of the boat to cook the birds.His television had solar power and he watched a lot of his favourite videos! He had twenty videos on his boat.

Finally,after four months, a US Navy boat rescued him near the coast of Costa Rica. 'When we arrived, he was cooking a seagull' said the capitain. Richard lost a lot of weight but he was okay.Were there any problems? 'Well,' said the capitain,' his boat was a wreck and he didn`t have any money! We collected $800 to fly him home. I think he`s very lucky!'

Z powyższego tekstu odpowiedz na poniższe pytania: (przetłumaczcie też pytania i odpowiedzi)

How long did Richard plan to go away for?

How did the storm affect his boat?

How did he getdrinking water?

How did he cook his food?

How long was he at sea?

How did he get home?

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