November 2023 2 9 Report
Fish is a very delicious and nutritious food. Eating fish is also healthier than eating red meats, since it is beneficial for your heart, eyes, and brain. Dishes that have | fish in them are very popular around the world, but especially in Ecuador.

They are present in the gastronomy of the four regions of the country. In the Amazon region, for example, people eat a dish called "Maito." They prepare it with | I fish from the river (catfish, pintadillo) and wrap it in plantain leaves. In the highlands, it is more common to eat trout. Fishing for trout is also a nice activity 1 to do on the weekend. On the Ecuadorian coast, people eat a wider variety of I I seafood. Thanks to the proximity to the ocean, the fish are fresher and tastier in this region.

In modern times the different foods from the different regions are more accessible, so it's possible to eat food from the coast in the Andean regions. ​

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