September 2023 1 11 Report
Find the word which should not be in the sentence.

1 Susan, who is a terrible ballet dancer, is not very good at the tap-dancing either.

2 They drove around the Paris in a car.

3 He travelled to Lisbon, the capital of Portugal, by a car.

4. I was invited to a dinner given to welcome the President Chirac of France.

5. Our plan was to meet him at Café Sandal and not at the home.

6 It was nice of you to invite me to go to the Malta with you.

7 She was born in the July, 1971.

8 She has got a plenty of time to reach the station.

9 Can you walk the faster?

10 Tigers are in danger of becoming an extinct.

11 I like the active holidays more than relaxing ones.

12 It is known that smoking does a damage to your health.​

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