September 2019 1 148 Report
Fill in the superlative forms of the adjectives in brackets.
1. The moon is the planet to earth. (close)
2. Jupiter is the planet in our solar system. (large)
3. Sirius is the star we can see from earth. (brilliant)
4. Venus is the planet in our solar system. (hot)
5. Ceres is the asteroid in our solar system. (big)
6. The Energya is the rocket. (powerful)
7. Karl Henize was the man in space. He was 58 years old. (old)
8. Saturn is the planet. (beautiful)
9. Venus is the planet in our solar system. (bright)
10. The Apollo project was the space programme. It cost 25 541 400 000 dollars. (expensive)
11. Mercury is the planet in our solar system. (small)
12. Romenko is the man in space. He spent over 420 days in space. (experienced)
13. Pluto is the planet in our solar system. (cold)
14. Venus is the second object in the solar system. (bright)
15. Jupiter has the day of all planets. (short)
16. Uranus hits the temperatures of any planet. (cold)
17. Mercury is the planet in the solar system. (cratered)
18. Saturn has the rings in the solar system. (extensive)
19. The Uranian moon is Miranda. It has ice canyons and terraces. (interesting)
20. With winds up to 1500 mph, Neptune has the winds recorded in the solar system. (strong)
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