November 2018 2 17 Report

Fill in the blanks with words from the list to make collocations , as in the example.

main , party , cooking , sirloin , variety , benefits .

1. A : What was the ................................course .?

B : Grilled salmon .

2. A : This restaurant has a wide .............................of salads on the menu .

B: Really .? Does it have Mexican salad .?

3. A: How would you like your ......................steak , sir .?

B : Medium rare , please.

4. A: How many people are you inviting to your dinner ............................?

B: About eight.

5. A: The natritional .....................................of eating fish are well known.

B: I know . I eat fish at least twice a week.

6. A: How much ................................oil do I need to fry these potatoes .?

B: I'd say about two cups.

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