Fill in: main, drama, record, fictional, televison, popular, mythical. The Vampire Diaries was first shown on the CW 1)....... Network in the USA. It is a supernatural teen 2)........ series based on a book by L.J. Smith. The first episode attracted a 3)....... audience of almost 5 million viewers. The series is set in the 4)...... town of Mystic Falls and follows the life of the 5)....... character, Elena Gilbert, who falls in love with a vampire, Stefan Salvatore. The show is full of other 6)....... creatures like werewolves and ghosts. It has become one of the most 7)....... TV series for teenagersto watch. Don't miss the next episode!
Niko6248Po kolei: 1 Telewision , 2 drama , 3 record , 4 fictional , 5 main , 6 mythical , 7 - popular Liczę na naj !!!
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AnnKaterineThe Vampire Diaries was first shown on the CW Television Network in the USA. It is a supernatural teen drama series based on a book by L.J. Smith. The first episode attracted a record audience of almost 5 million viewers. The series is set in the fictional town of Mystic Falls and follows the life of the main character, Elena Gilbert, who falls in love with a vampire, Stefan Salvatore. The show is full of other mythical creatures like werewolves and ghosts. It has become one of the most popular TV series for teenagers to watch. Don't miss the next episode!
1 Telewision , 2 drama , 3 record , 4 fictional , 5 main , 6 mythical , 7 - popular
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