FESTIVALS IN BRITAIN Festivals and Special Days There are four seasons in the year. Do you know which months are in each season Write the names of the months, SPRING SUMMER AUTUMN WINTER M А O A M N These are some British festivals. Read about the festivals. Write the name of each festival in the correct month on the calendar. JANUARY FEBRUARY Hallowe'en This is the festival of ghosts, witches and vampires. It is in the Autumn. This month has got two Os in it. St Patrick's Day MAY JUNE St Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. St Patrick's Day is in the Spring. This month has got five letters. The last letter is H. 3 ♡ Valentine's Day This is the festival for people in love. It's in the Winter. This month has got eight letters. The third letter is B. B SEPTEMBER OCTOBER Hallowe'en St Andrew's Day St Andrew is the patron saint of Scotland, St Andrew's Day is in the Autumn. This month has got eight letters.
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AUTUMN: September October November
Winter: December January February
Spring: March April May
Summer: June July August
2. February; Valentine day June: Father day