:'( feeling so plain awfull and lostt! ya Rabb help me :'( i dont wanna knew him anymore pls give me the best way to act, to chat, to do something better !
Oh girl, how awesome you are just because of "him" you become like this? get your life. you r too young to talking about something like this. btw, this is not curhat forum
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Translt:merasakan polos dan kehilangan, ya rabb tolong saya.. saya tidak ingin mengenalnya lagi tolong beri aku cara terbaik untuk berkarya, berbicaraa/mengobrol, untuk melakukan sesuatu yang terbaik
reply : what happen girl? what does he doing to you? why you dont want knew him?
get your life. you r too young to talking about something like this.
btw, this is not curhat forum
reply : what happen girl? what does he doing to you? why you dont want knew him?