Exsam Chalenges 2 z ćwiczenia zad.1 strona 56 z książki zad.3 str.64 pilnee!!!
Zad 1 str 56 1 went 2 lost 3 lucky 4 worked 5 flew 6 weather 7 clouds 8 rescured zad 3 str 64 1. ... 2. The storm destroyed boat, and then it became a wreck. 3.He collected rainwater. 4. He made a fire from parts of the boat to cook caught birds. 5.He was 4 months at sea. 6. A US Navy boat rescued him near the coast of Costa Rica.
1 went
2 lost
3 lucky
4 worked
5 flew
6 weather
7 clouds
8 rescured
zad 3 str 64
1. ...
2. The storm destroyed boat, and then it became a wreck.
3.He collected rainwater.
4. He made a fire from parts of the boat to cook caught birds.
5.He was 4 months at sea.
6. A US Navy boat rescued him near the coast of Costa Rica.