Potrzebuje pomocy!!! Nie z tłumacza
Opisz swój plan lekcji po angielsku 20-25 zdań.
Plan lekcji zmyślony.
Można jeszcze napisać o zajęciach dodatkowych.
W opisie musi być zawarte:
-once day/week/month
-twice day/week/month
-thre times a day/week/month
-every tuesday <---Może być inny dzień
-at 5 o'clock <---Może być inna godzina
-in the morning/afternon/evening <---Wszystkie trzy zawarte w tekście
Prosze jak naj szybciej... Daje naj ;)
Jeżeli czegoś się nie doczytujesz napisz w prywatnej wiadomości ;P
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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My lesson plan:
I have Polish and math three times a day. I have chemistry once a week in the afternoon. Once a month, I have safety education. Every wednesday and friday in the morning I have physics. Twice a week in the evening, my additional English teacher comes to my house. Also, I have tennis at 5 pm on every monday and thursday. At 6 o'clock I have volleyball. Twice a month I have biology tutoring. On every friday at 8 o'clock I'm going to my dance lessons. Every Saturday I have my piano lessons. They start on 11 o'clock and finish 3 hours later. Once a week in the afternoon I have informatics.