Odpowiedz na pytania:) 1.Which city are you.? 2.Where did you travel from yesterday.? 3.What are you going to do this morning / afternoon / evening ? 4.Where are you going tomorrow. ? 5.What are you going to do there.? 6.How are you feeling about the trip.? 7.Imagine you have a couple of definite plans, eg meeting a friend wgo lives in one of the cities. 8.Add your own details.? 9.Where are you staying.? Dam Naj !!!!!!!!
1. I live in…np. Warszawa, Kraków, Poznań, Wrocław, Szczecin etc. 2. Yesterday I traveled to New York. 3. I'm going to meet with my friends this afternoon. 4. I am going to Warsaw tomorrow. 5. I'm going to do there many photos. 6. I'm felling nice about this trip. 7. - 8. - 9. ?