Donde dice 1st:la Ultima parte,their shows are all action- aqui debe ser His shows are all action and comedyshows.o His movies are all action and comedymovies.
Donde dice 2st.dice her y es his TV. shows are from the WWE.Ànd some other series.
Una pregunta los numeros que dicen 1st, 2st. 3st que significan? porque si los estas enumerando deben ir asi. 1st. primero 2nd. Segundo 3rd. tercero
Donde dice 1st: la Ultima parte, their shows are all action- aqui debe ser His shows are all action and comedy shows. o His movies are all action and comedy movies.
Donde dice 2 st. dice her y es his TV. shows are from the WWE. Ànd some other series.
Una pregunta los numeros que dicen 1st, 2st. 3st que significan? porque si los estas enumerando deben ir asi. 1st. primero 2nd. Segundo 3rd. tercero