1-Accountant: contable.
2-Air hostess: azafata/o de avión.
3-Architect: arquitecto.
4-Baker: panadero.
5-Bricklayer: albañil.
6-Businessman/woman: empresario/a.
7-Caretaker: portero o conserje.
8-Cashier: cajero.
9- Cook: cocinero
10- Fireman: bombero
1-He works for a phone company and she is an accountant.
2-Her dream was to be an air hostess.
3-In this step an architect can always clarify your ideas.
4-The baker comes in the morning at 08:30 clock.
5-I can trust a bricklayer team if necessary.
6-Never mind, the boy is a good businessman.
7-They want a neutral caretaker government to oversee the process.
8-He entered as a cashier before assume more important functions.
9-She is a good cook.
10-The fireman rescued the family from their burning house.
Espero que te haya ayudado si no me dices algo.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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1-Accountant: contable.
2-Air hostess: azafata/o de avión.
3-Architect: arquitecto.
4-Baker: panadero.
5-Bricklayer: albañil.
6-Businessman/woman: empresario/a.
7-Caretaker: portero o conserje.
8-Cashier: cajero.
9- Cook: cocinero
10- Fireman: bombero
1-He works for a phone company and she is an accountant.
2-Her dream was to be an air hostess.
3-In this step an architect can always clarify your ideas.
4-The baker comes in the morning at 08:30 clock.
5-I can trust a bricklayer team if necessary.
6-Never mind, the boy is a good businessman.
7-They want a neutral caretaker government to oversee the process.
8-He entered as a cashier before assume more important functions.
9-She is a good cook.
10-The fireman rescued the family from their burning house.
Espero que te haya ayudado si no me dices algo.