Relacjonowanie wydarzen.Twoim zadaniem jest przekazanie informacji okreslonych w poleceniu pzry uzyciu czasow przeszlych. Relacjonowanie wydarzen: podaczas zawodow sportowych w ktorych bralas/es udzial doszlo do nieprzewidzianego zdarzenia. Opwiedz kolezance co sie stalo, jakie byly okolicznosci tego zdarzeniai jakie byly skutki. moze byc troszke bledow. potrzebuje jak najszybciej !!! Daje naj... :)
I was on the football match on monday. I was having fun until two armed girls ran through the pitch. They were shooting to spectators with guns. Players ran away from the pitch. They tried to kill the referee, but instead of referee, they killed one of the players. They were stopped by groupe of policewomen.Probably, these girls wanted to kill the referee because they screamed that he had raped them. Girls managed to run away from the pitch, so they avoided the punishment, also two people were injured. I was scared about that experience. I will never go on the football match again.