Email po angielsku: Twój kolega zadzwonił i zapytał czy może nagrać swój ulubiony program na twoim magnetowidzie. Niestety musisz wyjść i nie będzie cie w domu. Zostawiasz mu klucze u sąsiadów. Napisz mu email w którym:
-wyjaśniasz zaistniałą sytuacje
- poinformuj skąd ma odebrać klucze
- wyjaśnij jak nagrać program video
-poproś aby na ciebie zaczekał
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Hi xyz.
I'm so sorry but I can't be in home when you will come to me. But fortunately I will give my keys to neighbors. They lives in 34th flat. They're really nice so they will probably give you keys without problems but if there were any say that you were my friend. You wanna record your favourite tv program. You have to put your video to the video recorder and press big red bottom. If you will have any problems call me.
I hope I won't be away from home so long so wait for me, ok?