Elabore 10 oraciones del pasado simple utilizando los verbo irregulares y 5 oraciones deben tener sujeto de la 1era persona del singular nose puede repetir sujeto y nose puede repetir verbo
1) I flow in my dreams, it was funny! 2) I had a lot of dogs when I was 10. 3)I wrote a story that I had never told. 4) I ate soap because I was ill. 5) I spoke with Obama in USA. 6) She drank a lot of water for dinner. 7) We wore the jeans of our grandpha. 8) He shot the arrow in the wrong target. 9) They ran a race at outdoor. 10) She cought a butterfly in her house!
2) I had a lot of dogs when I was 10.
3)I wrote a story that I had never told.
4) I ate soap because I was ill.
5) I spoke with Obama in USA.
6) She drank a lot of water for dinner.
7) We wore the jeans of our grandpha.
8) He shot the arrow in the wrong target.
9) They ran a race at outdoor.
10) She cought a butterfly in her house!