Napisz 10 zdań porównujących charakter twojej osobowości i osobowości twojej przyjaci ółki/ela .
Prosze o ładną pomocc ;-D
Tylko piszcie po angielsku ;-P
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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My freind is more shay than me
He is faier than me
He is more friendly than me
I am more helpful than he is
I am more intelligent than him
He is funnier than I am
He is lazier than me
I am more ambitious than he is
I am braver than him
He is more stubborn than me
"Ela" is more intelligent than me. I am more honest than Ela. She is happier than me.
I am more patient than my friend. She is more stubborn than me. I am more helpful than Ela. She is nicer than me. I am more friendly than my friend. She is braver than me. I am more jealous than Ela.
Prosze bardzo :)