August 2018 3 17 Report
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I Przetłumacz Dawniej Oni czekali na granicy. Mieliśmy nadzieję. On był przeciwny. Czy jesteś za tym? Długo chodziliśmy po sklepach Wczoraj zwiedziłam zabytki Czy wy byliście po raz pierwszy w Berlinie? My mieszkamy w domu gościnnym Sklep Zapraszać Oni nie mieli czasu Zaprzyjaźnić się Nasza klasowa wycieczka była fajna. Przypominać sobie o II Wstaw czasownik w czasie Prateritum 1.Wir …........................ nach Italien. (fliegen) 2.Du …........................Matche. (lernen) 3.Er …........................einen Brief. (schreiben) 4.…................. ihr schon? (singen) 5.Ich ................... am schnellsten. (laufen) 6.Es ..........................ein Buch. (nechmen) 7...........................du gern Musik? (horen) 8.Die Ferien 21-sten Juni. (beginnen) 9.Ihr .......................... in die Schule. (gehen) 10. Ich ......................mein Bein. (brechen) IV Uzupełnij czasownik, przyimek i rodzajnik we właściwym przypadku. 1.Er .....................Urlaub. (cieszyc się na) 2.Du..................... Lehrer. (bac się) 3.Wir .....................Zug. (czekac na) 4.Die Klassse.............................Schuler und Schulerinen. (składac się z) 5.Sie ....................................Sport. III Wstaw czasownik i zaimek zwrotny. 1.Argere ....................... nicht! 2.Warum ...................... du .................... (sich freuen) 3..................... Sie .................. from Muller! Sie stehen die genze Zeit. 4.Wo ............. ihr.................. ? Vor dem Kino? 5...................... du ...................... , wir kommen zu spat ins Theater. 6.Wasche .................... ! 7. Rasie ..................... jetzt! 8.Beruhigen Sie ...................... Herrr und from Meier! 9.Sie ............... .................. sehn (sich freuer) 10.Ich .................... .................. heute ................. (sich auf regen)
The Lost Tribes A long time ago during the last ice age, there used to be land between Siberia and Alaska. Groups of people crossed from Siberia into the American continent and spread through North and South America. They fromed tribes with names which we know from Hollywod films, like Apache, Sioux, Cherooke and Comanche. These tribes spoke their own languages and had their own customs. Early white settlers called them `Indians`, although now in the USA they prefer to be called `American Indians` or `Native American Indians`. Before 1800, there were over a million American Indians. They lived mainly by hunting and fishing and growing crops. The Sioux, for example, used to hunt buffalo. The buffalo gave the Sioux everything they needed: food, clothes, tools and homes. Then in the 1840s wagon trains carrying white Europeans began to move west across the Great Plains, looking for land to settle on and build farms. At frist the American Indians tried to drive them away but it soon became impossible and they had to give large areas of land to the white farmers. Soon there was little land left for the buffalo to roam. Thousands of them were shot by the white hunters, just for their skins. By 1874, the white hunters had almost completely destroyed the great herds of buffalo. The white farmers took more and more of the land and eventually drove the American Indians onto `reservations` - areas of dry, rocky land which nobody wanted. The American Indians fought back in some small but violent battles. In the end, not surprisingly, the American Indians lost their fight. By 1900 there were only a few hundred thousand of them left. Today, half in other parts of the USA. ______________________________________________________________ Bardzo zalezy mi na przetlumaczeniu tego tekstu na polski. Z góry dziekuję.
READY, STEADY, ACTION! Cassie Repton reports from Australia. It was seven o`clock in the morning and I was ready for my frist lesson of the Stunt Artists Course at the Australian Action Academy. We were in the middle of a forest near the east coast of Australia and I was getting ready to leap from the top af a high tower. I had never felt more nervous. My tutor on the `Jump` course was the actor and stuntman, Chris Handley. Chris is the directorof the Academy and runs it with six other specialist tutors. He charges about $1.500 for a 60-hour course. Darko Tuskan, a martial arts expert, teaches students how to fight and how to fall safely. Fire stunts are another important part of the course. Fire tutor, Stuart Campbell, has ridden a burning motorbike through ten firefals and has flown a hang glider with both his body and the glider in fire. `The most important part is to learn how to set yourself on fire and then put out the flames,` said Stuart. `Of course, you have to wear protective fireproof clothes and put special gel on your skin. There is also a water hose close by.` `Stunt work can be risky,` says Chris. `People sometimes get burns and bruises and broken bones, but if it wasn`t risky at all, people wouldn`t come on the course.` He says that the most difficult stunts are jumps. `High falls are the most dangerous. If you make a mistake, you`ll hurt yourself.` Now why didn`t he say that earlier? There was no escape now. Chris told me to get ready to jump. Itook a deep breath, crossed my fingers and threw myself into space. ________________________________________________________________ Bardzo zalezy mi na przetlumaczeniu tego tekstu na polski. Z góry dziekuję i spróbuję się jakoś odwdzieczyc.

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