La oración 5 y 6 no lo entiendo... Así son las oraciones?? Porque en la 6 no aparece el Sujeto y el verbo 'to be', en la 5 no parece estar en Present Continuous. Escríbemelo en los comentarios, gracias por tú atención.✨
2. You are living a good life.
➜ Negative: You are not living a good life.
➜ Interrogative: Are you living a good life?
3. Sandra is having lunch.
➜ Negative: Sandra is not having lunch.
➜ Interrogative: Is Sandra having lunch?
4. Ralph is driving a nice car.
➜ Negative: Ralph is not driving a nice car.
➜ Interrogative: Is Ralph driving a nice car?
En Negative agregamos la negación 'not' después del verbo 'to be'.
• My friend Agustina is not listening to music now.
En Interrogative ponemos el Verbo 'To Be' adelante del Sujeto y añadimos el signo de pregunta ? al final de la oración.
2. You aren't living a good life.
are you living a good life?
3. Sandra isn't having lunch.
is Sandra having a lunch?
4. Ralph isn't driving a nice car.
is Ralph driving a nice car?
5. Ralph and Sandra aren't friend
are s and r friends?
6. We aren't working together.
are we working together?
Corrección de la oración 1:
1. I am talking in English.
➜ Negative: I am not talking in English.
➜ Interrogative: Am I talking in English?
La oración 5 y 6 no lo entiendo... Así son las oraciones?? Porque en la 6 no aparece el Sujeto y el verbo 'to be', en la 5 no parece estar en Present Continuous. Escríbemelo en los comentarios, gracias por tú atención.✨
2. You are living a good life.
➜ Negative: You are not living a good life.
➜ Interrogative: Are you living a good life?
3. Sandra is having lunch.
➜ Negative: Sandra is not having lunch.
➜ Interrogative: Is Sandra having lunch?
4. Ralph is driving a nice car.
➜ Negative: Ralph is not driving a nice car.
➜ Interrogative: Is Ralph driving a nice car?
En Negative agregamos la negación 'not' después del verbo 'to be'.
• My friend Agustina is not listening to music now.
En Interrogative ponemos el Verbo 'To Be' adelante del Sujeto y añadimos el signo de pregunta ? al final de la oración.
• Are you studying Maths?