EJERCICIO: 1- ESCOJE EL VERBO QUE COMPLETE CORRECTAMENTE LA ORACIÓN. 2- DEPENDIENDO DE LAS REGLAS MENCIONADAS ANTERIORMENTE DECIDE SI EL VERBO SE DEBE DE QUEDAR DE MANERA NORMAL O SE LE DEBE AGREGAR LA ¨S¨ DEPENDIENDO DEL SUJETO Y SIGUIENDO LAS REGLAS PARA AGREGAR LA ¨S¨. LOS VERBOS SE UTILIZAN 1 VEZ CADA UNO. arrive live Talk listen miss start Run watch brush teach have write 1. They ____________ a lot of T.V. 2. Priscila ____________ to her friends all day. 3. I ____________a terrible headache. 4. Bob ____________ his teeth 3 times a day. 5. They ____________ late to work.
6. She ____________ her family. 7. All my friends ____________ the same music. 8. Laura ____________ near my apartment. 9. He ____________ high school next month. 10. We ____________ a lot during classes. 11. She ____________ psychology at Arizona State University. 12. I ____________ a mile every day.
1. watch
2. talks
3. have
4. brushes
5. arrive
6. misses
7. listen
8. lives
9. starts
10. write
11. teaches
12. run