Rozpocząłeś/ełaś kurs komputerowy. Na swoim blogu napisz • Jak długo chodzisz na kurs? • Czego się już nauczyłeś? • które zajęcia najbardziej ci się podobały?
Recently I've started a computer course. I've been attending it for five months now and I already know quite a lot. I've learned how to use multiple programs, how to create HTML websites and the basics of programming in Scratch. The classes when we just play games on our computers are the best and so fun, they're definitely my favorite
Hi everyone,
Recently I've started a computer course. I've been attending it for five months now and I already know quite a lot. I've learned how to use multiple programs, how to create HTML websites and the basics of programming in Scratch. The classes when we just play games on our computers are the best and so fun, they're definitely my favorite