Opisz obrazek korzystając z podanych pytań - można poprostu na nie odp tylko , że w formi opowiadania . ( coś takiego jak tutaj http://m.onet.pl/_m/e76452c2b67dd058eccd2efdbe6fec81,14,1.jpg tylko , że jeszcze stoi 2 policjantów ) 1.Where , when, and why did this happen ? 2. What time exactly did the incident begin ? 3.What happened first ? 4. How did people react ? What were they doing ? 5. What heppend later ? 6.What heppend in the end ? 7.What did people say ?
Możecie dawac choćby odp na pytania . nie na wszystkie :) Potrzebne na środę
On May 1st 2010, Warsaw, Poland, I witnessed a horrible car accident. It took place approximately at 10:30AM when I was on my way to school. All of the sudden, the car entered the opposite lane and kept driving for a while and then it turned rapidly back to the right side of the road as if the driver had fallen asleep and woken up immediately. A by-standing woman cried out when the car fell into a large hole in the pavement, presumably dug by workers repairing waterpipes. After I saw it, I called the police who quickly arrived to the place. Everyone was shocked and did not say much. Two policemen evacuated the driver from the vehicle while the third one questioned the witnesses including me. WhenI had given the account of the whole story, I left the place and headed for my school.
Chyba odpowiedziałem na wszystkie pytania, no i formę też można raczej uznać za opowiadanie ;-)
Chyba odpowiedziałem na wszystkie pytania, no i formę też można raczej uznać za opowiadanie ;-)