I would like to tell you about my first day in new school.
My first day in school was strange. Holidays stuck in my head!Only free... Ok, it's new school. I'm lucky, because with me are too my old friends. Alone would be difficult for me to make new contacts. School is friendly, teachers... Some strict, but I learner it now. On the first day they were very nice. In school were a lot of rooms, so lost me on. But now it's ok. I like this school. I met the first day a lot of great guy's! We have our team!
Hello, dear (imię jakiegoś przyjaciela)!
I would like to tell you about my first day in new school.
My first day in school was strange. Holidays stuck in my head!Only free... Ok, it's new school. I'm lucky, because with me are too my old friends. Alone would be difficult for me to make new contacts. School is friendly, teachers... Some strict, but I learner it now. On the first day they were very nice. In school were a lot of rooms, so lost me on. But now it's ok. I like this school. I met the first day a lot of great guy's! We have our team!
xoxo, (Twoje imię).
xoxo - buziaczki.