drzewo genalogiczne -na jednej stronie rysunek drzewa genalogicznego (wymyslone) 15 osob -na odwrocie kartki opisujecie całymi zdaniami kto jest kim dla mnie np: moja babcia gienia to mama mojego taty . prosze pomuzcie daje najlepsze PO ANGIELSKU
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Lillyanne is my grandmother. She's mother of my mum, so she's mother-in-law for my father.
My grandfather is called Joshua. He's husband of Lillianne. He and Lilly have three children: Matthew, Callina and Mark.
Matthew has a wife, called Juliet. They have two children: Joseph and Claire. Claire is granddaughter for Lillyanne. I'm Claire and Joseph's cousin.
My mother's name is Callina. She's daughter of Lilly and Joshua. Her husband - my father - is called Leonard. I have brother, too. His name's Frank.
My uncle, Mark, has wife, Lisa, and two daughters: Annette and Elizabeth. Annette is an adult and she has her own little family, too. She has a husband, John, and a little baby called Thomas. My grandmother was so happy, when she had heard, that she has great-grandson, too.
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