Drogi panie pisze w sprawie ogłoszenia , przeczytałem w gazecie ,że ma pan do wynajęcia małe mieszkanie jestem zainteresowany tą oferta ponieważ planuje dłuższy pobyt w tym mieście.
W związku z tym mam kilka pytań do pana Jestem młodym człowiekiem ,lubię sie czasem zabawić i wybrać do centrum rozrywki wiec mam pytanie w jakiej odległości znajduje sie to mieszkanie od centrum rozrywki i sklepów? Chciał bym sie również dowiedzieć o wyposażanie tego mieszkania czy w kuchni jest kuchenka ? ponieważ lubię sobie sam gotować . proszę o podanie wysokości czynszu i dodatkowych opłat gdyż mam ograniczone środki finansowe oraz informacje na temat sąsiadów ponieważ nie lubię hałasu wolę spokój i cisze
liczę na szybką odpowiedz Wydaje mi sie ,że właśnie to mieszkanie będzie dla mnie najlepsze ale chce poznać jeszcze kilka szczegółów by być tego pewnym. Proszę o szybką odpowiedz
z poważaniem
przetlumaczcie !
Zgłoś nadużycie!
Dear sir writes on the announcement, I read in the newspaper that you have to rent a small apartment I am interested in this offer because the longer plans to stay in the city.
Therefore, I have a few questions for you I am a young man, sometimes I like to have fun and choose the entertainment center so I have a question how far is this apartment from the center of entertainment and shopping? I also wanted to know about the fitting of the apartment or in the kitchen is the stove? because I like to cook yourself. Please specify the amount of rent and additional charges because I have limited financial resources and information about the neighbors because they do not like noise wish peace and quiet
I hope for a quick reply It seems to me that it is this flat would be best for me, but wants a few more details to be that sure. Please reply fast
best regards
1 votes Thanks 0
Dear Mr. XXX I'm writing to you because i read in newspaper, than you've got small apartment for rent. I'm interested in this offert because i plan long stay in this city.
Therefore I've got some questions for you. I'm young person. Sometimes I like to have fun and I like to go to the entertainment centers, clubs etc. Than I've got question for you. How far is this apartment from the entertainment centers, clubs and shopping? I would like to know as is it equipped apartment, and whether in the kitchen is a stove because I like to cook myself. Please specify the amount of rent and additional charges because I have limited financial resources and please tell me more information about the neighbors because I don't like noise.I would like to peace and quiet. I hope for a quickly reply Seems to me that it is apartment would be best for me, but I wants to know a few details to be that sure. Please reply me fast.
writes on the announcement, I read in the newspaper that you have to rent a small apartment
I am interested in this offer because the longer plans to stay in the city.
Therefore, I have a few questions for you
I am a young man, sometimes I like to have fun and choose the entertainment center so I have a question
how far is this apartment from the center of entertainment and shopping?
I also wanted to know about the fitting of the apartment or in the kitchen is the stove? because I like to cook yourself.
Please specify the amount of rent and additional charges because I have limited financial resources
and information about the neighbors because they do not like
noise wish peace and quiet
I hope for a quick reply
It seems to me that it is this flat would be best for me, but wants
a few more details to be that sure. Please reply fast
best regards
I'm writing to you because i read in newspaper, than you've got small apartment for rent.
I'm interested in this offert because i plan long stay in this city.
Therefore I've got some questions for you.
I'm young person. Sometimes I like to have fun and I like to go to the entertainment centers, clubs etc.
Than I've got question for you.
How far is this apartment from the entertainment centers, clubs and shopping?
I would like to know as is it equipped apartment, and whether in the kitchen is a stove because I like to cook myself.
Please specify the amount of rent and additional charges because I have limited financial resources and please tell me more information about the neighbors because I don't like noise.I would like to peace and quiet.
I hope for a quickly reply
Seems to me that it is apartment would be best for me, but I wants to know
a few details to be that sure. Please reply me fast.
Best regards