December 2023 1 3 Report
Dostaliśmy na zadanie zrobienie prezentacji i wygłoszenie je na forum klasy. Z trzech tematów mieliśmy wybrać jeden i napisać o nim. Chciałabym byście mi to sprawdzili bo nie jestem pewna czy jest to dobrze a mam to na jutro. Za wszelką pomoc dziękuję.


Hello everyone, my name is Paulina. The subject od my presentation is ,,Some people say that beauty is morę than just your physical appearance. How do you define beauty?" I've divided my talko into three parts. First, we willa discuss the ancient and modern definitions od beauty. Later, we will talk about the fact that beauty goes beyond ecternal qualities. And finally we will get to know the concept of inner beauty. Let's start with ancient definition od beauty. In ancient Greace it was said that beauty comes mainly grom keeping proportion and proper arrangment. The Pythagoreans, among others, believed that beauty consist in perfect structure, resuting precisely from proportion od parts , the harmonious arrangment od their parts. According to Aristotle, beauty is "all that which is good is pleasing" as well as "that which is pleasing to sight and hearing" According to St. Thomas Aquinas beautiful is called what is pleasing to the eye. Nowadays, however we explain that beauty is a set off qualities that make you like something or that beauty is a positive aesthetic property od being. Let's move on to my second point. Beauty also transcends ecternal qualities. Sometimes we condemn our physical beauty and forget the most important thing - the true beauty is within us. Personality and character traits are things that each od us has and thanks to them we are unique. In the last part of my presentation, we will także a closer look at the concept of inner beauty. Kindness is most often associated with friendly gestures, being kind or cordial. Compassion is a attitude whose main feature is the concern with which we relate both to ourselves and to others. Empathy is the ability to recognize and empathize with other people's emotions, the ability to pit oneself in another person's shoes and look at a given situation from their point od view. These are positive features that testify to the beautiful interior. If they are positive, they must be negative. Selfishness is excessive or exclusive love of oneself. The egoist is mostly guided by his own good and interest, without paying too much attention to the needs and expectations of others. This is one of many negative features. You can say infinietly much about beauty. Each of us has our own definition of beauty.
,,People are like watches! The most important thing is what they have inside" , said Jan Brzechwa
,,Outward beauty does not last long, but inner beauty does not fade with time". These are quotes, in my opinion, worth thinking about. Thanks for listening. ​

Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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