April 2022 0 18 Report
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1. Do you know when the museum is closed? ⇒ Yes, I do. c
2. Do you know where the sea horses are from? ⇒ Yes, I do.
3. Do you know how many animals are in the museum? ⇒ Yes, I do.

a] Welcome to the Newcastle Academy of Sciences.
You can visit the Aguarium, the Rainforest and the Natural History Museum, and there are 40,000 animals to see here!

b] Hi, Maria!
Here I am at the Newcastle Academy of Sciences! It 's fantastic! there are so many things to see. The Aguarium is great. There are lots of animals there. The Australian sea horses are fantastic! I hope you can visit soon.
Best wishes

c] Newcastle Academy of Sciences.
Opening times:
Monday to Saturday 9.30 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
Sunday 11.00 a.m. - 5.00 p.m.
The museum is closed on Ester Sunday and Christmas day.

d] Online Chat
How much are the tickets for the museum?
It 's L17 for adults and L9 for children aged 4 - 11.
But I 'm 12.
Oh, it 's L14 for children aged 12 - 17.

Plis mam to na jutro dam naj.

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