Dopasuj definicje angielskie do haseł : *Hasła: 1. remote 2. to board 3. hot spring 4. disappointed 5. unique 6. once-in-a-lifetime *Definicje: a) A place where hot water comes up out of the ground and forms a pool where people can relax. b) Unhappy becouse something that you expected did not happen. c) Something that is so special that it may happen only once. d) Very special,unsual or good. e) To get onto a ship, aircraft, train, or bus. f) Fat away from other cities, towns or people.
2. - e
3. - a
4. - b
5. - d
6. - c
b) - 4
c) - 6
d) - 5
e) - 2
f) - 1