Trzeba wybrac dobra odpowiedz Do/Does Billi listen to music? Do/Does Kate study French? Do/Does the boys read magazines? Do/Does Billy watch TV? Do/Does the girls play computer games? Do/Does Tom play computer games?
Does Billi listen to music? Does Kate study French? Do the boys read magazines? Does Billy watch TV? Do the girls play computer games? Does Tom play computer games?
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Does Billi listen to music? Does Kate study French? Do the boys read magazines? Does Billy watch TV? Do the girls play computer games? Does Tom play computer games?
1 votes Thanks 1
No wiec w pierwszym jest osoba 3 wiec chyba does, w drugim tez 3 wiec does, nastepne do bo liczba mnoga, czwarte does dalej do i ostatnie does ^^ łatwe:0 chyba pomoglam?
Does Kate study French?
Do the boys read magazines?
Does Billy watch TV?
Do the girls play computer games?
Does Tom play computer games?
Does Kate study French?
Do the boys read magazines?
Does Billy watch TV?
Do the girls play computer games?
Does Tom play computer games?