Do you think bullying should be declared as punishable crime? Give reasons to support your answer .
Yes i think bullying should be declared as punishable crime because it makes someone feels afraid too much, so bullying can kills their personal caracter
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Yes, of course. because bullying is one of the mental crime. it is maybe didnt harm people physicly but it did harm people inside, and sometimes it will be more dangerous when people have a damage soul or brain. the bad effect can be going to another person and becomes traumatic and goes again to another person, and there will be no stop if we still stay silent about that. Especially bullying in the school, because the student or people in that age will be more unstable and that is the time to shape the character, it will be dangerous. The punishment maybe based on the crime she/he made, and the age of the subject, but still have to be exist what we call as punishment in this area