October 2018 2 16 Report
yesterday, in small,lovely village was fire. It started from drop cigarette but end on..
It was very hot day. Some men was walking in the forest. He unintentionally dropped a cigarette. It fell on the dry leaves. He didn't carred about it and he went on. Unfortunately... Leaves started burning. Fiesta slow, but LATER, fire took and swollow up trees,gras. Fire was spreading vary fast and it imperceptilby reached small house. It was wooden so it started burning. In house were young wamen and her husbant and baby. They were having dinner. When the women saw flames she started screaming. She took HER baby and started running away. She stuble over burning floor and she dropped the baby. She was terrified. She was crying and screaming. She lifted her baby and she leave house. She phoned to the fire brigade. They came after minute. One of them come into the house. They put on fire but the men, Allan MacCartey died.
From the perspective of the reader it may seem often common disaster, but look... One unconscious( and, don't be adraid to say it) stupid man coused the death of innocent man. So remember to be more careful about what you do and where you do it!

Błagam srawdzcie mi to !!! ;)

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