Do 12:00 Daje NAJ! Dopasuj wyrazy wyróżnione w tekście do ich definicji. Ułóż zdanie z użyciem każdego z nich. Ułóż z każdym wyrazem po jednym zdaniu w zeszycie. 1. a person Who likes Watching TV and Who doesn't Heave an Active Life. 2. sea water. 3. backache. 4. a mental exercises that helps to avoid stress. Daje 20p. :)
1 - couch potato
2 - salt water
3 - back pain
4 - meditation
1. You should stop being a couch potato and start exercising.
2. Salt water is undrinkable.
3. Back pain can be a menace to anyone.
4. Meditation improves your mental health.