October 2018 2 39 Report

Dlaczego o Brazyli mówi się, że jest to "kolos na glinianych nogach" ? Pilne!!!!!

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kilka zdań z anglika TEGO NIE JEST AŻ TAK DUŻO- TO TYLKO TAK WYGLĄDA - dam naj za wszystkie :)1. Przetłumacz zdania.a) Był zawstydzony, bo zapomniał o jej urodzinach.b) Jak myślisz, co powinienem zrobić?2. Popraw pytania ( pytające o problem, np. co się stało, itp )a) What it is?b) What is wrong on earth?3. Połącz problemy z odpowiedziami1) I really hate sports and I can't play any games well. But all my friends enjoy basketball and ask me to play with them and go to watch matches. It's the last thing I want to do.2) I like to be helpful to my parents, but everything I try goes wrong. Yesterday, I made a cup of coffee for them while they were watching TV. When I took it in I spilled the coffee all over my dad.3) It doesn't matter what I do, I'm never on time for anything. I often write down the time of a date with friends or when a film starts at the cinema, or the time of a train I need to catch. Then I lose the piece of paper I've written it on - and I'm late again.4)He never wants to do anything except go to the cinema. I like films, too, but I don't want to spend all my time watching them because when we're in the cinema we obviously can't talk and get to know each other better. He's not even interested in discussing the film afterwards.5) Of coure, she's much older than me, but everyone says I look like Paris Hilton. I don't think I do, really, and I know they're talking about me. It makes me feel very embarrassed.A) It's hard when people who make an effort aren't successful. It could be something you need to talk to your doctor about. Perhaps you ought to go to a gym or to dance classes to try to improve your coordination.B) Does it raelly matter? If i were you, I'd concentrate on the fact that you're attractive and think how lucky you are. There are much worse things than being told you look like a model.C) I can understand that it's difficult for you to take part but if I were you, I'd join them when they go to a game. You might find you like being a spectator!D) I think you'd better suggest some different activities, like dancing or going for walks in the countryside. There must be something that you both like doing. And if there isn't, then perhaps you need to accept the fact that you and he are never going on very well.E) Really, you just need to be a bit more organised. Writting things down (and remembering where you've written them, too) is a good idea. You should also give yorself more time, and aim to be early for everything.4.Połącz problem z osobą proszącą o radę.( Przyporządkuj odpowieni numerek)a) a girl with a problem with her boyfriend __b) a person with a problem with a group of his/her friends __c) a person with a problem with a group of people __d) a person with his/her own problem __ __ ( w ,d ' będą dwa numerki)5. Zaznacz czy zdania są parawdziwe (P) czy fałszywe (F). Numerki odpowiadają tym z zad. 3.1) this person's friends like watching and playing a sport.2)This person doesn't want to do things for other people.3)This person makes a note of things in order not to forget them.4) This person's boyfriend likes watching and talking about films.5) This person thinks she looks nothing like Paris Hilton.6. Połącz pogrubione słowa z zad 3 z odpowiednimi cyframi1) the writer ____________2) the writer and her boyfriend ____________3) the time of something ______________4) the writer's parents _____________5) the writer's friends _________________( w 5 problemie nic nie jest pogrubione)To tyle, z góry dzięki :)
Potrzeba mi przetłumaczyć tekst po hiszpańsku(na polski) Bardzo mi na tym zależy tylko nie z translatora bo on tego nie tłumaczy- jak ktoś zna hiszpański to bardzo proszę. Dam naj a oto tekst: Para toda esa gente que piensa que los sueños son solo sueños, no te rindas, sigue tu camino, la victoria está cerca tú puedes hacerlo España: just say olé!El juego ya va a empezarY todo el mundo se para a mirar,Con ganas y woluntadTodos tus sueños seHarán Realidad.Campeones del mundoThe change of the worldLevanta la mano y canta Olé.Campeones del mundoThe change of the world,Together we’ll makeJust say Olé.Olé olé, olé oléLevanta la mano y canta oléOlé olé, olé oléTogether we’ll makeJust say OléOlé Olé !Hoy vamos a luchar por una otra estrella,Por la eternidad.Hoy vamos a ganarPara celebrar nuestra inmortalidad.Campeones del mundoThe change of the worldLevanta la mano y canta Olé.Campeones del mundoThe change of the world,Together we’ll makeJust say Olé.Olé olé, olé oléLevanta la mano y canta oléOlé olé, olé oléTogether we’ll makeJust say OléOlé Olé … Olé OléLa ilusión va a comenzar,El partido va a empezarVamos a muerte a reír y a llorarY todos juntos apoyando al equipoVenga dale duro y que sigamos invictos.Un corazón, una naciónY ruge la afición porque ha marcado un gol,Ser campeón, vamos arriba guerreroPorqe tenemos que ser los primerosOlé olé, olé oléLevanta la mano y canta oléOlé olé, olé oléTogether we’ll makeJust say OléOlé Olé !Olé olé, olé oléLevanta la mano y canta oléOlé olé, olé oléTogether we’ll makeJust say OléOlé Olé !Olé olé, olé oléLevanta la mano y canta oléOlé olé, olé oléTogether we’ll makeJust say OléOlé Olé !

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