DISCURSO INDIRECTO Completo las oraciones en forma indirecta (sin retroceso). Note el cambio de pronombres. Lugares y verbos. • Tom: Estoy bien. • Tú: Dice que …………………………………………… • Tom: hace buen tiempo aquí. • Tú: Dice que …………………………………… .. • Tom: mi familia anfitriona es muy agradable. • Tú: Dice que …………………………. • Tom: Tengo mi propia habitación. • Tú: Dice que ……………………………………….
REPORTED SPEECH I complete the sentences in reported speech (no backshift). Note the change of pronouns. Places and verbs. • Tom: I’m fine. • You: He says that……………………………………… • Tom: the weather here is great. • You: He says that…………………………………….. • Tom: my host family is very nice. • You: He says that…………………………. • Tom: I have my own room. • You: He says that………………………………….
Complete the sentences in reported speech .
Tom: I'm fine.
You: He says that He is fine.
Tom: The weather here is great.
You: He says that The weather there is great.
Tom: My host family is very nice.
You: He says that His host family is very nice.
Tom: I have my own room.
You: He says that He has his own room.
En Reported Speech o Discurso indirecto debemos hacer algunos cambios, Cuando está en tiempo Presente Simple si Reportamos 3era Persona al Verbo debemos agregarle S o ES
I - se cambia por He / She
Here - se cambia por There
My - se cambia por His / Her