1 Did you hand / Were you handing (Czy oddałeś) in your biology project last week? 2 I felt really hungry when we was playing / were playing (graliśmy w) basketball in our PE lesson, 3 John used to be / used to being (kiedyś pasjonował się) into maths, but now he's more interested in languages. 4 Sarah didn't answer the phone because at exactly 9 p.m. she walked / she was walking (spacerowała) her dog. 5 What did you do / were you doing (co robiliście) when the lights went out in the science lab? 6 Could you lend me your copybook, please? I didn't note / didn't use to note (nie zanotowałam) down some dates during history class.
1. Did you hand
2. Were playing
3. Used to being
4. She was walking
5. Were you doing
6. Didn't note