aku mempunyai seekor kucing,namanya adalah sheila,dia berumur kurang lebih 10 bulan,dia adalah kucing rumahan biasa,matanya berwarna kuning,tetapi jika ditempat gelap matanya berubah menjadi hitam,dia mempunyai bulu berwarna abu2, aku suka menggendongnya,karena bulunya terasa lembut,biasanya aku beri dia makanan kucing,sheila setiap hari didalam rumah,biasanya tidur didekat lemari/didalam kandang
tolong y... serius
I have a cat, her name is sheila, he was about 10 month old, she just ordinary house cat, her eyes is yellow, but in the dark, her eyes turn into black, she has grey fur, i like to carry her, because her fur is so soft. Ussually i feed her with cat food. Sheila live inside the house. She usually sleep in her cage beside the cupboard.
2 votes Thanks 3
makasih ya, wlwpn masih kurang tepat,ada she ada he
maaf, salah tulis. Itu yang bener she karena kucingnya perempuan kan?
V: Karena sudah diketahui jenis kelamin nya. kalo belum di ketahui, pake "It"
I have a cat. Her name is Sheila. She was approximately 10 months. She is a regular house cat. She has a yellow eyes, but if in the dark her eyes will turn into black.She has a grey colored feathers. I like to carry him because her fur was soft. i usually feed him with a cat food. Sheila was in the house everyday, she usually sleep near the closet or in a cage.
Kalau ada yang salah mohon maaf
1 votes Thanks 1
makasih ya,wlwpn kurang tepat,tp diliat dr atas,bisa lah dipilih pilih kata2,makasih
Kalau ada yang salah mohon maaf