- Did the company test the equipment yesterday? - Yes it _____. a. has tested b. had been tested c. had tested d. was tested e. tested ini soal pilihan ganda. dan mohon tolong dibantu jawaban pilihan ganda ya temen-temen. jawaban pilihan gandanya harus benar ya temen-temen
The verb tense in the question is past simple ("Did the company test the equipment yesterday?") so the answer should also be in the past tense. The correct form is "was tested" which is the past tense of the verb "to test."
Jawaban yang benar adalah "d. telah diuji."
Kata kerja dalam pertanyaannya adalah past simple (“Apakah perusahaan menguji peralatannya kemarin?”) jadi jawabannya juga harus dalam bentuk lampau. Th
The correct answer is "d. was tested."
The verb tense in the question is past simple ("Did the company test the equipment yesterday?") so the answer should also be in the past tense. The correct form is "was tested" which is the past tense of the verb "to test."
Jawaban yang benar adalah "d. telah diuji."
Kata kerja dalam pertanyaannya adalah past simple (“Apakah perusahaan menguji peralatannya kemarin?”) jadi jawabannya juga harus dalam bentuk lampau. Th