Dear Sir or Madam I am writing because I would like o change something In my city. I think that problem in my is closed park and build there a new supermarket. In 25 June the governments were made decisions about closed park on the Kwiatowa Street. In my opinion in our town are a lot of supermarkets but a little parks. To our park comes many people with their children and animals. On the playground child spend pleasantly their free time. From my point of view the supermarkets should are build on the periphery our town. We must do something about these situations. I would like you too publish an article about closed the park in your newspaper. Thank you for your help. XYZ PROSZĘ O SPRAWDZENIE TEGO ZADANIA JAK NAJSZYBCIEJ! NAJLEPIEJ JEŚLI NIE ZOSTANIE TO SPRAWDZONE NA TŁUMACZU NP. GOOGLE. BARDZO PROSZĘ O POMOC. TREŚĆ ZADANIA: Napisz e mail do gazety na temat problemów w twoim mieście: władze chcą zamknąć park i wybudować supermarket.
Natalia27777I am writing because I would like o change something in my city. I think that problem is closed park by municipal authorities and build there a new supermarket. In 25 June the governments were made decisions about closed park on the Kwiatowa Street. In my opinion in our town are a lot of supermarkets but not many parks. To our park comes many people with their children and animals. On the playground child spend pleasantly their free time. From my point of view the supermarkets should are build on the periphery our town. We must do something about these situations. I would like you too publish an article about closed the park in your newspaper. Thank you for your help. XYZ
Według mnie, masz tylko drobne pomyłki, które poprawiłam reszta jest dobrze :)
In 25 June the governments were made decisions about closed park on the Kwiatowa Street. In my opinion in our town are a lot of supermarkets but not many parks. To our park comes many people with their children and animals. On the playground child spend pleasantly their free time. From my point of view the supermarkets should are build on the periphery our town.
We must do something about these situations. I would like you too publish an article about closed the park in your newspaper. Thank you for your help.
Według mnie, masz tylko drobne pomyłki, które poprawiłam reszta jest dobrze :)