November 2018 1 53 Report
Dear jody , Thanks for your e-mail which I received last week. Sorry for writing back that late, but unfortunately I’ve been extremely busy recently
bacause of all the work for school. The new semester has just bagub.
You asked me about my hobby. Well’ I love reading very much. It keeps me busy in my spare time and gives pleasure also.
I read only good and useful books. I can get much useful knowledge for them. Books are the chief source that provides knonledge, information and entertaiment to our mind. Books brighten our ideas. People think that they can get more knowledge from the T.V and the films. But in my opinion the best knowledge is stored in books written by master minded geniuses. Books are out best guieds and honest friends.
Reading gives much pleasure. I can enjoy the company of great writers by reading their works can learn from them good and noble things of life. Goods books are friends. They contain the wisdom of ages. They are an endless store of knowledge. We can learn much from them they give us food for the mind. Reading book is the best of all hobbies. It is not very expensive. We can borrow books from libraries.
That’s what I think about reading book as a hobby. I know that your hobby is doing physical exercise. Please tell me about your hobby. Why do you like it ? what benefits can you get from your hobby ?.
I’m looking forward for your answer!
Best regard
Maya .
1. What does the text tell us about ?
2. Why was Maya late of reply Jody’s letter ?
3. What types of books does Maya like to read ?
4. According to Maya that is the best way to get knowledge ?
5. (They) are an endless store of knowledge ( P4L2 ). What does the underlined word refer to ?
6. Where can we borrow books ?
7. Why does Maya say that books are the chief source of knowledge ?
8. What (benefits) can you get from your hobby ? ( P5L2 ). What is similar meaning of the underlined word ?
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