DAWAJCIE DAJE NAJJJ ZADANIE 1 - napiszę wam 10 przymiotników w stopniu równym : DIFFICULT , DANGEROUS , STRONG , ANNOYING , BIG , GOOD , BAD , UGLY , EXPENSIVE , OLD Proszę z każdym z tych przymiotników napisać jedno zdanie w stopniu WYŻSZYM lub NAJWYŻSZYM . Musicie więc napisać 10 zdań . UWAGA - jeżeli napiszecie zdania bez zmienienia formy przymiotnika będzie to traktowane jako błąd . ZADANIE 2 - proszę napisać 5 zdań o zamiarach na najbliższą przyszłość was lub waszych rodziców , przyjaciół itp . Musicie użyć konstrukcji " GOING TO " Proszę napisać 5 zdań o tym co będziecie robić w najbliższej przyszłości używając czasu PRESENT CONTINUOUS . Łącznie przesyłacie mi 10 zdań w tym zadaniu ZADANIE 3 Proszę odpowiedzieć pełnymi zdaniami po angielsku na następujące pytania A ) Do you prefer to buy things on-line or in the shops and why ? B ) Have you got a favourite shopping website or shop and which is it ? C ) What is the most interesting thing you bought last month ? D ) Do you know someone who bought something unusual and whai was it ?
A) Difficult - more difficult - the most difficult
Math is more difficult than english.
B) dangerous - more dangerous - the most dangerous
Shark is more dangerous than piranha
C) annoying - more annoying - the most annoying
Mosquito is the most annoying insect
D) big - bigger - the biggest
Whale is the biggest animal in the world
E) good - better - the best
Biscuits are better than lollipops
F) bad - worse - the worst
This is the worst movie I've ever seen!
G) ugly - uglier - the ugliest
My dress is uglier than yours
H) expensive - more expensive - the most expensive
Laptop is more expensive than phone.
I) old - older - the oldest
I am older than him
I'm going to go to the shoe shop this weekend.
My mum is going to clean our house
My parents are going to buy a new car.
My dad is going to meet his friends tomorrow.
I'm going to go to the cinema with my friends.
I'm meeting my grandma tomorrow
I'm playing football tomorrow morning.
Me and my parents are having lunch this afternoon.
My parents are going to the forest.
Me and my parents are flying to Los Angeles next week.
A) I prefer buy things in the shops, because i can see things live
B) No I don't have aby favourite shopping website.
C) The most interesting thing I bought last month is a new T-shirt with modern design.
D) No I don't know anyone who bought something unusual (jak coś to już możesz tu coś wymyśleć)
Mam nadzieję że pomogłam ;)
Sr za ewentualne błędy