December 2018 2 48 Report
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PRZETŁUMACZY KTOŚ?!.TYLKO NIE Z TRANSLATORA!!!.LAUGHTER THERAPY.We sayPRZETŁUMACZY KTOŚ?!.TYLKO NIE Z TRANSLATORA!!!.LAUGHTER THERAPY.We say English: "Laughter is the best medicine".Some people really believe that laughter is good for their helath. They go to special classes and have "laugter therapy". At the start of the calss,they all look at at each other and say "ho,ho,ho,ha,ha,ha". Usually, this becomes real laughter and by the end of the class,they feel great. And many doctors agree that laughter is good for your helath. In some children`s hospitals in Britain,clowns visit patients and make them laugh. DOCTOR FISH.Millions of people around the world have skin problems. There`s an usual treatment called "doctor fish". It`s already popular in Japan,China and Turkey,and now you can get it in Europe too. Patients get into water with hundreds of small fish. The fish eat the dead skin from the patients'arms,legs and bodies but they don`t eat any healthy skin. It isn`t painful,but it feels strange!There are many skin problems that doctors can`t cure,so they are happy for thier patients to try doctor fish. SNAKE MASSAGE A massage is a great way to relax and health spas offer many different kinds of massage. At Ada Barak`s health spa in Israel, you can get a really unusual treatment: a snake massage. You go into a special room. There,you take off your about twelve snakes on you! The large snakes move around on your body and the small snakes go on your face. Some patients say the snakes can cure headaches, but the treatment is not popular with evrybody. ' People like it or they it',says Ada.

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