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Napisz dialog doktora z pacjentem - po angielsku
( ma być 3 pacjętów i choroby:grzybica,przeziębienie,alergia.
np:mam katar i ból głowy )
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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-hello doctor
-hello ms Smith
-i have headache and i feel weak
- have you got a temperature?
- No but sometimes i have running nose
- have you got animals?
- yes, i have two cats
- i think that you are alergy for cats. But we have to make blood test.
- is it serious?
-no, but you have to take pills.
-thank you doctor,good bye
-good by
-i have a rush on my back and everything itches me.
- strip to the waist, please. It looks like a mumps.
-is it serious?
- yes, that why you should stay at house and rest. In two weeks you will be healthy. And remember taht you mustn't irritate yourself.
- thank you doctor
- get better, good bye