Uczestniczyłeś w festiwalu młodych twórców w swoim mieście. Piszesz email do koleżanki a Anglii, która organizuje podobną imprezę.
- Napisz jakiego rodzaju był to festiwal i kiedy miał miejsce - Opisz najciekawsze wydarzenie, w którym brałeś udział - Zasugeruj koleżance wydarzenie, które mogłaby włączyć do programu festiwalu - Zaproś koleżankę do wzięcia udziału w kolejnej edycji festiwalu w twoim mieście
It's great that you're organizing a festival. Let me tell you about the one I attended last Sunday.
It was a poetry festival at my school. There were a few sections, depending on a country where your poem came from. My favorite part was the French section. The poems presented were translated into Polish, but there was something unique about them, I really liked them. The presenters were dressed up according to the times when their poet lived. I think it is a great idea and you should include that in your festival! You should come here for the next poetry festival, it will be organized by my sister's school. I heard it'd be great! I'll tell you more soon. Good luck with your preparations!
It's great that you're organizing a festival. Let me tell you about the one I attended last Sunday.
It was a poetry festival at my school. There were a few sections, depending on a country where your poem came from. My favorite part was the French section. The poems presented were translated into Polish, but there was something unique about them, I really liked them. The presenters were dressed up according to the times when their poet lived. I think it is a great idea and you should include that in your festival!
You should come here for the next poetry festival, it will be organized by my sister's school. I heard it'd be great! I'll tell you more soon. Good luck with your preparations!