DAJE NAJ!!! PILNE!! PROSZĘ BARDZO!! Napisz list po angielsku. W ramach programu wymiany w Twojej szkole każdy uczeń od września ma korespondować z uczniem z zaprzyjaźnionej szkoły z Irlandii w swoim pierwszym liscie październikowym do koleżanki napisz: -przeproś ją że dopiero piszesz, -poproś aby Ci poleciła ciekawą książkę Irlandzkiego pisarza,
Hi, I'm Jagodzianka I'm really sorry that i've answered for your letter now, but I was really busy and i didn't had time to sit and write it. If you can forgive me then we can correspond as others, ok?
Can you tell me sth about Ireland? About, capital, what is worth to see and soem famous or interesting book written by Irish writer? I really like reading and I'd really like to read sth in English not in Polish, and i suppose its better if i'll ask you than to see some unknown person opinion in web.
I'm really sorry that i've answered for your letter now, but I was really busy and i didn't had time to sit and write it. If you can forgive me then we can correspond as others, ok?
Can you tell me sth about Ireland? About, capital, what is worth to see and soem famous or interesting book written by Irish writer? I really like reading and I'd really like to read sth in English not in Polish, and i suppose its better if i'll ask you than to see some unknown person opinion in web.
Best Wishes