daję 22 punkty . !
proszę o przetłumaczenie tej rozmowy na j. angielski .
Trasa z Trafalgar Square do London Transport Museum .
[ O - osoba pytająca , D - osoba tłumacząca trasę . ]
O : Przepraszam. Jak dojść do London Transport Museum? Jestem tam z kimś umówiona ale nie wiem jak tam dojść. Czy mogłabyś mi pomóc?
D : Musisz iść prosto ulicą The Strand aż dojdziesz do ulicy Exeter.
O : A co może zwrócić moją uwagę na tą ulicę?
D : Na rogu ulicy The Strand i ulicy Exeter jest restauracja Pizza Hut. Musisz przy niej skręcić w lewo aby wejść na ulicę Exeter.
O : Aha ... Czyli muszę skręcić w lewo ...
D : Idziesz ciągle ulicą Exeter. Gdy dojdziesz do skrzyżowania ulicy Exeter i ulicy Wellington skręć w prawo w ulicę Wellington.
O : I co dalej?
D : Następnie idziesz ciągle prosto mijając Lyceum Theatre i dochodzisz do London Transport Museum.
O : Dziękuję. Bardzo mi pomogłaś. Miłego dnia.
Jeżeli możecie jakoś rozwinąć pytania osoby " O " to o to proszę. : )
daję 22 punkty . !
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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A: I'm sorry. As you come to London Transport Museum? I'm there, but I have an appointment with someone I do not know how to get there. Could you help me?
D: You have to go straight ahead along The Strand Street until you come to Exeter.
A: What can turn my attention to this street?
D: At the corner of The Strand Street and Exeter Street is a Pizza Hut restaurant. You have at it, turn left to enter the street Exeter.
A: Oh ... So I have to turn left ...
D: You're going constantly Exeter Street. When you reach the junction of Exeter Street and Wellington Street, turn right into Wellington.
A: And then what?
D: Then keep going straight past the Lyceum Theatre and you come to London Transport Museum.
A: Thank you. I really aiding. Have a nice day.
Rout from Trafalgar Square to London Transport Museum .
[ O - questioning person , D - person translating rout . ]
O : I apologize. How do accesses to London Transport Museum? I am from someone prearranged there there now I do not it know how there accesses. Could you me help?
D : You have to go with street straight The Strand until you will come to street Exeter.
O : And which can turn thereon my attention street?
D : At the corner the street The Strand and the street Exeter the restaurant is the Pizza of Hut. You have near her to twist in trick to to enter on street Exeter.
O : Aha ... That is I have to twist in trick ...
D : You go with street still Exeter. When you come to crossing of street Exeter and jee in street the street of Wellington Wellington.
O : And what further?
D : You go as straight as a line still passing then Lyceum Theatre and come to London Transport Museum.
O : I thank. You helped me very. Nice day.