October 2018 2 24 Report

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przetłumacz tekst nie korzystając z tłumaczów daję najjdear studentsi would like to start this letter by saying sorry for not writtning so long.as you know ,I have been extremely busy in my world over here in UK. Constantassignements,classes,lectures ,meetings and so on have taken up almost ninety percent of my time. Therefore, I have not been able to write sonner . I hope that everything is weel with all of you and that you have been behaving the way you had agreed before I left . Just beacuse I don't write doesn't mean I don't know what's going on in the class beacuse your teachers keep me up date.Knowing that this your last year in primary school, I hope you have already thought about your future and where you want to go as your next step in educational experience. Remember that you are not children anymore and, therefore,should consider all options and choose the best which will direct you in the path in which you want to pursue you career. Make sure you talk to your parents, teachers and colleagues ,about this as it is an important decision.I hope you have begun preparing yourselves for the first very important examination in your lives. I have all faith in you and know that it will be a piece of a cake for all of you.Having said that,my fingers will be crossed st all times through the examis(just let me know the dates and times).On that one, I wanted to say that I really miss you and can't wait to see you all, hopefully soon.Please keep in touch in your free time. I might not always respond straightawaybut will respond to all e-mails as alwaysstay healthy and strongbest wishesMr Rafal Ma*****

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