Czy podane zdania śsą zgodne z tekstem, czy - nie? Popraw błędne dzania.( steps in English 2 WB STR 86 ĆW 1 I 2 1. Bills cousins live in Australia. 2. The weather wasnt good on holiday. 3. Elsa lives in Canada with her family. 4. She loves swimming. 5. She bought things in Toronto.
TEKST: Bill says... Hello, Agata! I went to Australia last winter. It was fantastic. I visited my aunt, uncle and cousins near Sidney. They live there now. It wad December and very hot. We had Christmas lunch on the beach! I had a great time!.
Elsa says... Hi, Agata. I went to Canada last summer with my family. We stayed in house by a lake. We went swimming every day. It was great. We walked in the woods and saw bears! We also visited Toronto for a few days and went shopping. I loved it. Wielkie dzięki.
nataliazapala1prawda 2fałszywe 3fałszywe 4prawda 5prawda myślę ze pomogłam :) myślę że jest dobrze
myślę ze pomogłam :) myślę że jest dobrze