Czy moglibyscie mi to przetlumaczyc? to pilne a ja z ang to noga jestem :( czesc aniu!! co slychac u Ciebie,jak udał ci sie start w nowej szkole??przepraszam ze dlugo nic nie pisalam ale duzo chorowalam i musialam nadrobic zaleglosci. musze ci powiedziec ze poznalam chlopaka, ma na imie kuba i jest w naszym wieku. Jest wysoki,szczuply i bardzo przystojny.Ma super poczucie humoru.jest bardzo opiekunczy.Poznalismy sie na si urodzinach. Spedzamy duzo czasu razem,zazwyczaj ogladajac filmy lub dlugo rozmawiamy o roznych sprawach-o szkole,znajomych o tym jak minal nam dzien. Chcialabym zaprosic cie do mnie,do polski. W przyszlym miesiacu mam urodziny wiec mysle ze to obra okazja. pozdrów swojego ukochanego-Jacka!
pozdrawiam i czekam na odpowiedz!
Ania part! What's on in you as you went off in August in the new school? Excuse the long wrote but nothing much was sick and had to catch up. I need to tell you met with the boy name is Cuba and it is our age.Is high, slim and very cool feeling handsome. Has a sense of humor. Is very care. Met birthdays are in August. I spend a lot of time together, usulally watching movies or a long talk about different issues-about school , friends about how was our day. Now I would like to invite you to met, to Polish. in my birthday next month so I think it's a good chance. Greet their beloved-Jack! I greet and wait a reply !
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Hi Ann! What's going on you as you went to start the new school? Sorry the long time but nothing I wrote was sick and I had a lot to catch up. I must tell you I met with the boy's name is Cuba and it is our age. Is a tall, slender and very handsome. Has a super sense of humor. It is very care. We met on birthdays. We spend a lot of time together, usually watching movies or a long time talking about various matters-about school, friends about how we passed the day. I would like to invite you to me, to Polish. In my birthday next month so I think with a good opportunity. Greet their beloved-Jack! I greet and I am waiting for an answer!
What's on in you as you went off in August in the new school? Excuse the long wrote but nothing much was sick and had to catch up. I need to tell you met with the boy name is Cuba and it is our age.Is high, slim and very cool feeling handsome. Has a sense of humor. Is very care. Met birthdays are in August. I spend a lot of time together, usulally watching movies or a long talk about different issues-about school , friends about how was our day.
Now I would like to invite you to met, to Polish. in my birthday next month so I think it's a good chance.
Greet their beloved-Jack!
I greet and wait a reply !
What's going on you as you went to start the new school? Sorry the long time but nothing I wrote was sick and I had a lot to catch up.
I must tell you I met with the boy's name is Cuba and it is our age.
Is a tall, slender and very handsome. Has a super sense of humor.
It is very care. We met on birthdays. We spend a lot of time together, usually watching movies or a long time talking about various matters-about school, friends about how we passed the day. I would like to invite you to me, to Polish. In my birthday next month so I think with a good opportunity.
Greet their beloved-Jack!
I greet and I am waiting for an answer!