Czy moglby mi ktos pomoc napisac kontynuacje piosenki the police - roxanne Co dalej stalo sie z tytulowa prostytuka :) Najlpiej byloby gdyby wystapil watek ze pobrala sie z czlowiekiem ktory o niej spiewa
In the aftermath of releasing the song, the title girl heard to it, but since she was too tied to her current activity, it was impossible for her to make any contact with the man. Then the man began to meet up with her every night, refusing to use her charms in terms of his sexual indulgement. He just kept looking into the depths of her beautiful eyes and listened to her voice. He eventually decided to kidnap the girl one memorable night. The agency's supervisors began to search for him for weeks, as Roxanne was considered to be one of the bests in her craft. The man and Roxanne eventually ended up on a remoted island in northern Canada, where they married. They had two children and ever since Roxanne began to smile as honestly as she had never done before.