Czy mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić 2 zadania z angielskiego? Dotyczą linking verbs. W obu zadaniach należało połączyć słowa z rubryki z liczbami ze słowem z rubryki z literami o podobnym znaczeniu. Z góry dziękuję.
Zad 1 1. A few weeks before 2. In spite of 3. In fact 4. A couple of hours later 5. Fortunately 6. Even better 7. Soon 8. Even though 9. As result 10. After a while 11. 11. Next 12. Finally 13. To Begin with 14. Immediately 15. After searching 16. Of course
a. Actually b. Luckily c. It was not long before d. Although e. A few weeks previously f. After an hour or so g. Better still h. Despite i. Some time later j. At first k. After she had searched l. At once m. Consequently n. Eventually o. Naturally p. Then 1.d 2.h 3.a 4.f 5.b 6.c 7.e 8.g 9.n 10.p 11.i 13.j 14.m 15.o 16.l
Zad 2 1. On the whole 2. For ezample 3. Unfortunately 4. Exept for 5. Of course 6. Another point in its favour 7. Although 8. Acutally 9. However 10. Also 11. A further disadvantage 12. Despite 13. Taking everything into consideration 14. As i see it 15. I think 16. To conclude
a. Sadly b. Obviously c. A further advantage d. Generally speaking e. Even though f. Apart from g. In fact h. For instance i. Another drawback j. All things considered k. In spitenof l. In conclusion m. I believe n. On the other hand o. Speaking pesonally p. In addition